11 February 2013

We ♥ Sugar and Cloth

A while back we did a series called Inspirational Women's Week. We featured women who really inspired us as we were starting our business. {You can read about it here, here, here, here, here and here}.
We thought it would be fun to revisit that idea for Valentine's Day week in a series called "We ♥". We have
teamed up with some great friends {new and old} to celebrate what they do best! We even had them answer some fun questions to get us in the Valentine's Day spirit!

Today we are celebrating one of our new friends, Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth! Ashley is an amazing designer and creator of all things beautiful! She oozes creativity and is super passionate about what she does! Sugar and Cloth is like an explosion of happiness, we are always so excited to see what Ashley has in store for her readers! We love Sugar and Cloth's beautifully designed blog, inspired DIYs, amazing finds and super sweet treats! Sugar and Cloth adds a lot of sparkle to our day and we know Ashley's blog will a some to yours too!

{all photos and project credits Sugar and Cloth, click on links to see full DIYs}
xo gift wrap
love letter scroll
glittering cookies 
heart shaped donuts 
ice cream cupcakes 
fancy frill balloons

We asked Ashley some ♥ day themed questions...do you can get to know the person behind Sugar and Cloth a little bit better!

Cake or Cupcakes for Valentine's Night Dessert!?! 
    Cupcakes, always!

Favorite Valentine's Day color combination? 
   Mint green, red and hot pink!

What language do you think LOVE sounds most beautiful in!?! 
   Hmm, maybe French? I'm German and its definitely not German, haha!

Favorite Valentine's Day DIY!?! 
  So far this heart balloon surprise is my favorite Valentine this year!

Favorite romantic movie
  Either The Holiday or The Notebook

Favorite chocolate
   Andes mint chocolates!

Favorite flowers
   Peonies, no doubt!

Anything special your hoping to get this Valentine's Day? 
   I'm secretly hoping we get our new house, to be honest, ha!

Favorite Valentine's related pin on pinterest?
   This one, but I've been in love with this one for so long that I'd be more than happy to make it a Valentine!

Thank you SO much Ashley!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
xoxo ♥

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