
Sprinkle Packet Cupcake Toppers

As we continue to build a party around our new 'over the rainbow' collection, we thought we better incorporate cupcakes somehow! If your little ones are anything ours, they love to help in the kitchen and do whatever they can "by themselves"! Kiddos always want to decorate their own cupcakes. So we put the sprinkles on the cupcake toppers! With the toppings attached to the cupcake topper all the little ones have to do is take them off, open them up and sprinkle them on!! What fun!

paper straws
mini velum bags {we used these}
name tags

1. Just add a few sprinkles {as many or few as you choose} to your bag
2. Fold the bag in half, lengthwise
3. Take your straw and put it toward the top of the envelope
4. Roll in inward until it forms a little flag {make sure you roll in tight so that it does not unravel}, put a small piece of tape on the roll of the envelope to the part that is filled with the sprinkles, just to hold it in place.
5. What little one doesn't love to get things with their name on it!! Add a name tag {from here
6. You could add fringe to a few too just to add some contrast!

7. Have the kids take their flag off of the cupcake, take the bag off, unroll and pour the sprinkles on their cupcake! 

8. Just to show you that the sprinkles really don't get everywhere...see below ;)


Bellenza Bistro said...

What an ingenious idea! The children will love this (and grownups, too, I'm sure)!

Icing Designs said...

thank you so much!! you are too sweet!! xx

Chrissie@party paper scissors said...

I love this idea! This is so sweet and fun. I am hosting a baking party for my soon to be 5 year old daughter? Do you mind if I use your idea? I promise to credit you if I do use it. : )

Icing Designs said...

Hi Chrissie!! Please do use this idea...!! We can't wait to see your party! ♥

Unknown said...

You really shared a wonderful diy project.

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John said...

Hi Chrissie!! Please do use this idea...!! We can't wait to see your party! ♥معین

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