
DIY Paper Flowers

Oh how we love paper flowers, let us count the ways! Well at least 4 ways! We certainly do have a weakness for paper flowers, they are so versatile, beautiful and easy to make! Thanks to our lovely DIY corespondent Katie, we are going to show you how to create 4 different paper flowers...that can be used in a variety of ways! Tomorrow we will share some fabulous ways to use these flowers!

Canson Colorline Art Paper in any color you wish (this paper is the easiest to manipulate, for paper flowers, rather than heavier card stock)
Flower Template: For this flower a template for a flower shape found on Martha Stewart that was originally meant for fabric flowers was used. (
Go here for template)
Glue gun/glue

1. Trace template onto paper and cut out 4 flower shapes
2. On two of the flower shapes, score down the center of each petal and fold inward
3. Glue one of the folded flower shapes on top of the other, staggering the petals
3. Fold the other two flower shapes in quarters, hot gluing the at the tip to keep the fold secure
4. Bend the tip of the fold and glue it into the center of the flower
5. You can bend and open the petals if need be

Canson Colorline Art Paper in any color you wish
Glue gun/glue
Flower lei in coordinating color

1. Make your own patterns for a basic petal shape. The large petal is about 3" long and the small petal is about 21/2" long
2. Trace template onto paper and cut 5 large petals and 5 small petals. Also cut out one circle about 1/12" and another circle about 1"
3. Cut a small slit in the bottom of each petal
4. For each petal, place a small amount of glue on one side of the slit and fold the other side over slightly, gluing it on top
5. Use scissors to curl each petal. You can curl any way you wish. For this flower, we curled the petals toward the center
6. Take large petals and glue them around the larger circle, slightly overlapping each petal
7. Do the same with your smaller petals and smaller circle
8. Glue the smaller petals inside the larger petals
9. Cut a small piece of the lei. Fold the cut edges under and glue in the center of your flower. You can use paper to make the center of the flowers also

Canson Colorline Art Paper in any color you wish
Scissors or decorative edge scissors
Glue gun/glue

1. Cut out 6-8 circles using decorative edge scissors in any size. These are about 2-21/2". The larger your circles, the more you will need. If you are using regular scissors, do not to to make the edges of your circles perfect
2. Leave one circle as it is. Fold the other circles into quarters, gluing at the tip to keep the fold secure
3. Glue four of the folded circles onto your unfolded circle like a pie
4. Bend the tip of the fold on 2-3 more circles and glue to the center of your flower

1" scallop punch
Glue gun/glue

1. Cut 3 circles using punch
2. Cut to make slits at each scallop all the way around the circle
3. Bend the petals inward and glue the circles on top of each other

Check out this AMAZING paper flower arch Katie made for her sister's gorgeous wedding this summer!

photo via Next Exit Photography


Pâtisserie Paris said...

Wow. Gorgeous. The flower arch is spectacular!!!

JoyHey said...

Wonderful tutorial! Thanks for the idea :) Blogged here:

samrala said...

woowwwww awesome very nice description.I was really find this type of category.Your detail is very iniformative,i am very impressed with your blog.Please keep posting on paper craft and paper flowers

kleemartinez said...

On the top pink flower. I'm not clear on how you fold the top two flowers? The quarter fold?

Anonymous said...

but the instruction are wayyy too hard cuz theres no writing if there were it would be a bit easier to follow cuz rite now it makes no sence to me

Unknown said...

These flowers are beautiful! I would love to try to make something similar using tissue paper

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