13 February 2013

We ♥ Studio DIY

Please welcome another one of our new friends, Kelly of Studio DIY! Kelly’s blog had us at hello! It’s the kind of blog you want to devote an entire pinterest page to. Every day Kelly features festive, fun and unique DIYs. Studio DIY is colorful and playful, it just screams ‘celebrate’! Its such an exciting place to visit every day! If you want to blast your day with confetti and sunshine check out Studio DIY!

{All photos and projects via Studio DIY

Cake or Cupcakes for Valentine's Night !?!
Cake. The bigger the better, and the icing-to-cake ratio is far superior!

Was the best Valentine's Day gift you ever got homemade or store bought!?!
Every year my mom sends me a big ol’ box of Valentine goodies and craft supplies (Do you see where I get it from!?) and I always look forward to seeing what little surprises she’s tucked in there! 

Favorite Valentine's Day color combination?
Gold, gold and more gold. This year I’ve been pairing it with hot pink or mint and peach! I can’t stick to just one!

What language do you think LOVE sounds most beautiful in!?!
So should I go out on a limb here and say... French? Cliché as it as, we all know it’s true!

Favorite Valentine's Day DIY!?!
For a Valentine’s Day shoot this year I made a giant (Giant!) gold mylar heart piñata, and it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever made! I’m working on convincing my boyfriend, Jeff, to let us hang it permanently in our house and I’m happy to report I’ve made significant progress. 

Favorite romantic movie?
The Holiday! I could watch that movie all day, every day and can quote the entire thing to prove it!

Favorite chocolate?
I’m going to go with anything covered in chocolate. Trader Joe’s has quite the selection. Chocolate covered s’mores? Well, I don’t mind if I do.

Favorite flowers?
.Without a doubt, peonies. I fully intend to plan my wedding some day around when they’re in season. I love them that much.
Anything special your hoping to get this Valentine's Day?
Jeff and I (surprisingly) keep Valentine’s Day pretty low key, though I did put in a few hints for one of these fringey heart kites! Yes, I’m totally serious. I’m actually a five year old stuck in a twenty-something’s body!

Favorite Valentine's related pin on pinterest?
I’m loving these date night valentine arrows from my girl Ashley at Sugar & Cloth! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Thank you SO much Kelly!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
xoxo ♥

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