14 February 2013

We ♥ Kate Landers

Being one of the sweetest people we know, we thought Valentine’s Day would be the perfect time to feature our next guest. She is kind of like the fairy godmother of the party world, she is our dear friend Kate Landers! Adding a touch of magic to pretty much everything she creates, Kate is an extraordinary party stylist and designer. No detail goes untouched, as she designs timeless children’s parties that can be enjoyed and appreciated for years and years to come. Kate’s graceful and sweet spirit is apparent is most everything she does and we are thrilled to have her here today!

{All parties created ans styled by Kate Landers} 

Cake or Cupcakes for Valentine's Night !?!
My goal is to make my husband Ryan a bundt cake with pink frosting! If that fails, we will walk over to Whole Foods to grab desserts to go. We will likely split a fresh fruit tart, chocolate chip cannoli and eclair.
Was the best Valentine's Day gift you ever got homemade or store bought!?!
Well anything from Ryan or Noah, of course! One of those gift that stands out was a dried maple leaf with a Shakespearean quote handwritten on it. I love Shakespeare!

Favorite Valentine's Day color combination? 
Light pink and cerise...though I love the new trendy combos like blush and gold or emerald and soft pink!

What language do you think LOVE sounds most beautiful in!?!
I should probably know more languages to answer this question! Hearing "love" from my husband, especially when he said it for the first time when we were dating, seemed like the most beautiful thing to me!

Favorite Valentine's Day DIY!?! 
Handmade Valentine's, of course! Love using handmade paper and using metallic pens to hand write notes on.

Favorite romantic movie?
The Notebook. Swoon. {and this has NOTHING to do with it--but soon after we had Noah, we watched The Notebook for the 100th time one evening, realizing that dreamy Ryan Gosling was named Noah in the movie!}

Favorite chocolate?
I love fine chocolate truffles from a boutique on Newbury Street in Boston, oversized chocolate-dipped strawberries...and having grown up in California, I have a soft spot for Sees Candies...their pink coconut bon bons are a major favorite!

Favorite flowers?

Anything special your hoping to get this Valentine's Day?
A "Mommy" valentine from Noah (since it is still so new to me!). I think I am more excited to give Ryan his gift this year, and to give Noah his little treats!

Favorite Valentine's related pin on pinterest?
This is tough! Cannot think of just one. Anything on my pinterest board for Valentine's day!

Thank you SO much Kate!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
xoxo ♥


  1. Now THIS is one of the all time greatest Valentine's Day gifts I have ever received. Wow. I am beyond honored and flattered and your way with words had me a bit weepy. Bless you both! --Kate

  2. Always so wonderful to "meet" the real people that make all the party magic happen! And Kate Landers definitely has some of the most magical parties. :-)
