08 January 2013

Sprinkles, Sprinkles Everywhere Paper Party Goods

We are really excited share a new collection of paper party goods with you today! We created our "Sprinkles, Sprinkles Everywhere" hand-illustrated and hand-glittered collection for Kellie's youngest daughter, Leela's 6th birthday! We celebrated her birthday over winter break and can not wait to share the photos from her party with you on Friday! We wanted this collection to be colorful and simple but full of fun! Our sprinkles collection can be purchased as invitations, personalized thank you cards {including new fill in the blank thank you cards}, cupcake flags, oversized cake toppers, gift tags, food tent cards or circle food tags, letter garlands and {grease proof} paper treat bags!


  1. What a pretty collection! I love all of the purple. P-R-E-T-T-Y!!!

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