
Where do we start!?!

So, Kellie and I had the absolute honor of attending the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers event last week in NYC! We really don't even know where to begin telling you about our experience! It was 2 days of being surrounded by the most amazingly talented, creative, wonderful women, inspiring and encouraging speakers and the welcoming staff of the Martha Stewart headquarters. So much time and effort went into planning this event and we are so thankful that we had the opportunity to be part of such a rewarding experience. We will be blogging about our trip throughout the week, so stay tuned!
We flew in a couple days early to celebrate Kellie's birthday! We had so much fun, eating way too much, at a fabulous Italian restaurant in Time Square. My lovely and to sweet for words mother in law treated us. It was such a fabulous way to start off our trip! The next day we had the pleasure of meeting up with Kellie's aunt-in-law, her daughter and a close family friend Mia! We ate at Balthazar in SOHO! It was fabulous as was our company! After a bit of whirlwind shopping we headed back to the hotel to change for our mixer that night! We were really excited to meet all of the women that we admire so much and so many new women that we are in awe of now.

The meet and greet was great! We had so much fun meeting, face to face, so many of the remarkable women that we admire and have made an online connection with! This is us with the lovely and fabulous ladies, Courtney of Pizzazzerie and Kim of The TomKat Studio!
This is Kim's amazing and talented team, Andrea and Toni! They are so sweet, charming, outgoing and so much fun to be around!
We also had the pleasure of meeting one of our favorite girls, Lindi, from Love The Day!
There were so many other gorgeous and fantastic women there, that we did not get to have our picture taken with that night. But it was such a pleasure meeting, spending time with and being inspired by them! We will spend more time blogging about them all this week!


Pâtisserie Paris said...

Glad to hear you had such an amazing time! Sounds like a great event =) Can't wait to hear more!

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