
DIY Bunny Candy Poppers

Hi everyone, we are still on a mini break {but working on tons of new things behind the scenes!} We thought we would pop in a couple times this week and share some Eastery projects with you! We seriously can not believe that Easter is this week {and yes it is literally snowing here right now...where is the weather that is supposed to accompany spring!?!}
Anyways...Kellie and both have little ones, I have 5 year old twin daughters and Kellie has a 6 year old daughter {and a 12 year old too} so we still get to play Easter bunny! Its so much fun preparing baskets for the girls and so exciting to see the absolute joy on their faces when they find their Easter baskets! One item I add to my girls baskets every year are these little bunny candy poppers. Of course candy poppers are nothing new, but we thought we would share how easy they are to transform into bunnies! There is no ripping or tearing, which may take the fun out of them...hehe...but all you have to do is un-tie the ribbon and open the bunnies ears and she's filled with all kinds of Eastery goodness!

1 sheet of sparkly white felt {you can actually get 2 poppers out of one piece}
1/2 paper towel roll {or toilet paper roll} 
piece of white card stock {to cover bottom of popper}
pink festooning 
google eyes 
pink beads {you can use anything here for a nose, you could even cut out a circle from card stock}
mini pom poms 
flowers stamens {used for sugar flowers, these can be found in the baking isle of any craft store} 
pink ribbon 

1. Trace the bottom opening of the paper roll onto card stock and cut it out. Hot glue the card stock to the bottom of paper roll. {This will just keep the candy in the popper}

2. Take your paper roll and place it so that the bottom of the felt lines up with the bottom of the paper roll. {The paper roll should also be at the beginning of the felt so that you do not waste any, don't place it in the center of the felt, this way you will get 2 bunnies out of one piece} Roll the paper roll  inward just until the felt covers the entire roll {leave a little overlap} cut the felt and then hot glue the edges of the felt together covering the entire paper roll.

3. There will be a lot of left over at the top cut a slit down the center just until you reach the top of the paper roll. {These will end up being the ears}

4. Hot glue 3 of the stamens on the roll to create whiskers, glue the pink bead on top of them to create the nose and the google eyes just above the whiskers. 
5. Hot glue pink festooning around the bottom of the bunny. 
6. Turn the bunny over and hot glue a little pom pom on the bottom to create a tail.

7. Fill your bunny up with paper shreds and candy and little toys! 
8. Tie the ears together with a ribbon, if they are to close together pull them apart to create more of a "bunny ear" look. 
9. All the kiddos have to do to get their candy is untie the ears! 


Lisa@hooplapalooza said...

oh i am in LOVE with these!!!

Tamara said...

sooo cute idea!

Heather said...

As I've said before, you ladies are so creative and original. I want to make this with my little G next year. How amazing is it that it's got a custom high-end look, but you chose totally "within reach" supplies. What little would not go crazy for this? I can't wait to show off your amazing work at our upcoming parties.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for giving us such easy-to-follow instructions!

These are SO adorable!!!!!!

I'm now thinking of other ways to make them, instead of bunnies -- maybe cars or trucks, or other animals?

-RG in Baltimore

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