
"Sweet Sleepover" 11th Birthday Party

This past weekend Kellie's daughter sweet Annabella celebrated her 11th birthday! She had such a successful and fun-filled sleepover last year, that Annabella decided she wanted another one this year! So the theme became, "A Sweet Sleepover"! To set the tone we used our "sweet shoppe" invites! At the party the girls decorated cake boxes, decorated their own personal mini cakes that they got to bring home and share with their families, had a candy hunt, opened gift with oven mits on their hands...yes challenging but so much fun!

For decorations we played off of the color palette on the invites, pink and aqua...always a pretty combination and perfect for an 11 year old! We created our own tassel garlands that we strung in multiple locations! We even put one on each girl's chair, where they sat to decorate their cakes! There are so many great tutorials online for creating tassel garlands, we used on from Visual Vocabulary, found
here. We also ordered paper poms from our favorite pom vendor, Paper White Designs! We made a mini letter garland that read, "11 is sweet" and an oversized cupcake flag topped our ruffled caked. We also purchased a super fun metallic, aqua backdrop so that the girls could take silly photos in front of it, of course they loved it! We even took photos of them holding their cakes in front of it.

We didn't necessarily have a "sweet table" but more of a "sweet area"! We set up pink wooden boxes that the girls had their cake decorating supplies in and were able to decorate their cakes right in the boxes. They also helped to avoid a huge cake mess! We really wanted to mimic the illustration on our invites, so in the middle of the table we set up 3 pedestals with desserts that Annabella picked out for us to make! We made a tall ruffle cake, cookie dough cupcakes {umm yea they are amazing}, brownie pops with a shimmered polka dot and of course what party would be complete without french macarons rimmed in pink sugar on top of a bowl full of jelly beans! Above the table we set up 3 apothecary jars on a shelf filled with candy they girls could take home.

The "sweet sleepover" was a success and a great party for an 11 year old girl! Although, I have an idea that Kellie may be taking the next year off from hosting another sleepover ;)


Simply Inviting Weddings said...

So cute- where did you find the "Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake" shirt?

Anonymous said...

It's from Justice ♥

Pâtisserie Paris said...

I love that you mimicked your designs in the sweet area. The birthday activities you always have at parties are so creative...opening gifts with oven mitts?!?! Amazing!

samrala said...

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