
New ice cream design and DIY ice cream party hat!

Last year we created this custom ice cream illustration for a customer of ours. We never added it to our shop, so we thought with the weather getting warmer...its about time we do! So, if you are having an ice cream party this summer for your little one, we also created a great DIY project to go along with the party theme...ice cream cone party hats!

To make the hat from cardstock you can follow our party hat DIY here...

1. Before you shape the hat, just draw criss crossing lines with a brown marker...to create a cone look.

2. Then shape the hat and punch a hole on either side to tie the ribbon through.

3. Take two shades of crepe paper (we used pink for the ice cream and and white for whipped cream) and

glue one on top of the other, overlapping so you can see both colors.

4. You can use about 5-6 inch pieces and ruffle it as shown above, glue it under the hat, don't try to create a perfect look it can be uneven. Keep repeating until you have made it around the entire hat.

5. Once that is complete, take a longer strip of crepe paper and cut it down the center and glue it onto the bottom of the hat to cover the front where the cone hat meets the ice cream paper.

6. You can then add a little embellishment to the top, we just made a ruffle and added a green ribbon to create the

look of a cherry.

7. If you want you can even add sprinkles! We just glued a few circle scraps from a paper punch!


Pâtisserie Paris said...

Ugh I love these! They would be perfect for a summertime ice cream social!

Mr. Capoeira Sydney said...

What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

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