
Lovely crepe paper flowers

We are in love with paper flowers of any sort. These crepe paper flowers are so perfectly lovely. They are so versatile and can be used in so many different ways, and the best part...they don't wilt! These are so easy to make you won't believe it! We can not wait to show you how we used them! All you need is crepe paper and hot glue...we layered the crepe paper with two colors to add some depth. The length of crepe paper you need just depends on how big you want your flowers to be. After you have both colors of crepe paper cut and layered just accordion fold them. Then just take your crepe paper and start to wrap it around and start forming your flower. Then just put a dab of hot glue at the bottom every couple of inches, just to hold the flower in place.You can start to pull the top back a little to open the flower up as you go as well. After you have completely wrapped with flower around you can form it to be as open or closed as you want it. So simple and so pretty aren't they! The color combinations are endless as are the possibilities of how you can use them!


heather {WhipperBerry} said...

lovely my dear!!


Unknown said...

Love these...so cute!

jackie fo said...

Gorgeous - book marking stat

Alli and Jason said...

These are so beautiful!

Sunny said...

These are so beautiful. I just found them on pinterest and I can't wait to try them. Thanks so much.

Annie K said...

Mine ended up much tighter. Also at the end I put hot glue down in the middle and squeezed the 'stem' tight and held until it dried mostly. This made the bottom secure and I fill an apothecary jar with them :D Cute.

Jaime said...

super easy and just as described. thanks!

Anonymous said...

too good i loved it

Alice V said...

i made these for my babyshower and glued them to a paper lantern. came out nice but it was so time consuming because i did 4 of them.

Carol Candy said...

So cute!Love your diy tutorial.

Unknown said...

Where is the tutorial

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