
Celebri-Tea Event

Heather, from Simply Inviting Weddings, contacted us a couple of months ago about creating a "Celebri-Tea" letter garland for an event that she was designing for wedding and event professionals to attend to learn about attracting celebrity clients. It was an opportunity for them to network and have a panel discussion on celebrity weddings. Heather created such a beautiful event with one of our favorite color palettes; yellow and grey! We were really excited to be a little part of such a lovely event, hope you enjoy the beautiful photos. Photography by Person+Killian

Event design by Heather Minicucci of Simply Inviting Wedddings

Floral by Orly Khon of Tangerine Creations


Pâtisserie Paris said...

Wow...look at that seating arrangement. Looks gorgeous. I love the flowers in the teapot...too cute. And of course, I love your work =)

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