23 March 2011

Cupcake in a jar

Cupcakes in a jar...we think these ones are darn cute! What are your thoughts on these...cupcakes in a jar or just regular cupcakes!?! {See more here}
Justify FullCupcakes in a jar and tags via Tweedle Dee Designs


  1. Adorable! Love this idea, what a perfect idea for party favors or birthday gifts!

  2. Great idea! Cupcakes any way are my friend.

  3. I've recently worked on a project where I used mason jars of all sizes, as well as serving cupcakes in the mini jars.

    The kids loved them and I was very pleasantly surprised how easy they were to handle for the kids- not many icing messes...they just ate them with a spoon:) Love them
