
Cupcake in a jar

Cupcakes in a jar...we think these ones are darn cute! What are your thoughts on these...cupcakes in a jar or just regular cupcakes!?! {See more here}
Justify FullCupcakes in a jar and tags via Tweedle Dee Designs


Lauren @ Crave. Indulge. Satisfy. said...

Adorable! Love this idea, what a perfect idea for party favors or birthday gifts!

Jayna Rae said...

Great idea! Cupcakes any way are my friend.

Stephanie said...

Those would be such cute gifts

Pâtisserie Paris said...

Yum yum yum!

Ivona@SugarsticksParties said...

I've recently worked on a project where I used mason jars of all sizes, as well as serving cupcakes in the mini jars.

The kids loved them and I was very pleasantly surprised how easy they were to handle for the kids- not many icing messes...they just ate them with a spoon:) Love them

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