
Pink Christmas Birthday Party! Part 2

Today we can't wait to share part 2 of our Pink Christmas birthday party with you! We hope you enjoyed the photos of the sweets from Part 1! Each little chair was adorned with all different shades of pink ribbon, the birthday girl even had a little hand-glittered garland with her name on it!

When the little girls arrived they got to do a "letter to santa" coloring sheet, a free printable that we found on Style Me Gorgeous! They has so much fun writing down their Christmas wishes!

We love Martha Stewart crafts! So the little girls got to create lots of wintery treats to bring home with them!
In the December issue of Martha Stewart, there was an idea for a DIY chocolate bar snowman! How cute!!! But we put our own little twist on it! We had chocolate bars wrapped in white paper, each little girls got to "dip" their finger in pink ink and makes eyes and a mouth on their snowman. Then they choose a sparkly gem to create a little snowman nose and we tied pink and white yarn around it to make a little scarf!

Next the little ones all got a mini tulle pom pom with a ribbon on it and they got to stick little gems or pearls on it to make a special ornament to bring home with them!

Lastly, they got to make little glittered clothes pin magnets! We used Martha Stewart tinsel was so pretty!
They had so much fun making all of thier special crafts to bring home! Now what party is complete with out getting to eat some of the those sweets from the sweet table!

When all of the little ones were waiting for their parents to pick them up, Annabella, Leela's big sister read them "Pinkalicious"! It was so sweet!
We had so much fun with this wintery, pink party! We hope you enjoyed it too!


Anonymous said...

I love it!

Pâtisserie Paris said...

Wow...what a great sounding party. They must have all had a wonderful time. You have to be so organized to prepare those crafts for all of those little girls...I don't think I'd be able to manage! Everything looks usual!

Bloom said...

Beautiful! Love the craft, love the letters, love the decor- love everything!

Pinkpastry - Viktoria said...

I love youre blog and youre parties! I am the same i love thinking in themes! Last nighit (here in sweden) i hade my christmas party..With the theme cakes!

Icing Designs said...

Thank you for all of your very sweet comments. This was such a special party for us, we are so glad you enjoyed it! Hi @Pinkpastry! Thank you so much for your sweet words! WOW all the way from Sweden..what a treat to meet you!

Oliver Maurice said...
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