21 July 2010

My Silly Bear Giveaway

We told you yesterday that we just loved the mini pom pom cupcake flags that we ordered from My Silly Bear for the baby shower last weekend!
They are just so cute! Do you love them too?!? Well if you do, My Silly Bear is giving away a set of 12! Just leave a comment and let us know what you would use them for if you won! We will keep the giveaway open until Sunday night and pick a winner at random to be announced on Monday morning!! Visit My Silly Bear on Etsy! Good luck!!


  1. Those would be perfect for any party! I am planning a "ladies" dinner night & they would work out great!

  2. I would use them for a girls night party I am planning in September. They would be perfect on top of my cupcakes.

  3. My friend is going to Mallorca for work for the rest of the summer. These would be a fun addition to the cupcakes at her bon voyage party!

  4. I absolutely fell in love with these poms when they were used at my baby shower this past March! These cupcake flags would have been a great addition to my party had we known about them sooner! These flags would be great for any party! I think I might use them at the Open House night at my school or during parent teacher conferences in the Fall. The colors are so vibrant that they make me think of changing leaves! I would love to make some tasty treats to stick them in on conference night to make the night a whole lot sweeter!

  5. I'm so sad I missed it! That's what I get for ignoring blogger the past few days!

  6. dont worry cassie we haven't picked a winner yet! your still in the running!
