30 June 2010

DIY Chocolate Bowls

With summer in full bloom, what is better than relaxing with a delicious bowl of ice cream! We want to share with you a really fun way to serve it! All you need is a package of party balloons and some melting chocolate.

Blow up the balloons to the size that you would like the bowls. We tend to make them on the smaller side, they just look more dainty the smaller they are.

Melt your chocolate in the microwave at 30 second intervals until the chocolate is melted. When it is completely melted let it sit for a few minutes. If you dip the balloons in chocolate that is to hot they will pop. To make a straight edged bowl just dip the bottom of the balloon straight down into the chocolate pull it up and give it a few shakes to get rid of the excess chocolate. Then set it on a parchment lined baking sheet. To create the scalloped look when you dip the balloon tip it foward then backward then side to side. Pull it straight out, shake off excess and set on parchment lined baking sheet.

Once you have the balloons dipped and set on the baking sheets put them in a cool dry place to set. Never put chocolate in the refrigerator! This will cause it to sweat. You can even let them dry overnight. When your chocolate is dried properly it should be hardened and shiny. Push the balloon away from the chocolate and then cut the top off the balloon near the tie. The balloon will deflate but still may stick a little bit, so gently pull away from the chocolate.

Arn`t they the cutest!! Use your creativity and fill them with anything you want to. We just love them as ice cream bowls! They are really pretty with fresh fruit too!

If you try these at home send us some pictures....we can`t wait to see what you use your chocolate bowls for!!


  1. What a cute idea!!! You girls think of it all! ;)

  2. Whaaat?! This is awesome! I'm totally going to try this this weekend. I guarantee I'll make a huge mess, but I'll have so much fun doing it! :)

  3. I saw this on Bakerella's site a couple months ago. Isn't it the cutest idea??

  4. Yes, we love this idea it is so cute :)
    We didn't see the post on Bakerella, we will have to check it out! It is actually a trick I learned in culinary school, we used to make them to hold mousses!

  5. I love this idea---going to have to try it!

  6. balloons popped:( must not have waited long enough...chocolate everywhere...

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