20 May 2010

Pinwheels and Pearls

We have recently gotten to know Vicky from The City Cradle a little bit over the past few weeks! Let us tell you not only is she so sweet, but she is also amazingly talented and creative...and she has twins too!! The first party we saw of hers was this whimsical Pinwheels and Pearls party that she created. We first saw it featured on The Sweetest Occasion and then again on Amy Atlas!!! Although, you may have already seen this party we just had to share it again!

We love the pinwheel and pearl food tags!

All the little boys got these little bow ties and all of the girls got necklaces....so cute!

Be sure the visit The City Cradle and see all of Vicky's other adorable parties and ideas!

All photos were taken by Michael Chan from The Image is Found

Don't forget to enter our giveaway it ends Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the feature! You are both so sweet:)
