18 May 2010

Happy Birthday Maia and Sophia!

Three years ago today two little precious girls were brought into this world, 37 minutes apart! It seems like just yesterday we were caring for their every need, we blinked and now they are little ladies. They are both such free and gentle spirits with the biggest hearts. It's the little moments when no one is looking that they are so protective of each others feelings and so caring toward each other...those moments melt my heart! Happy Birthday baby girls, may every year be sweeter than the last!

P.S. Aren't the flower clips in the girl's hair the sweetest! They were made by Mia from Dolce Vita Mia! Mia is so sweet and she makes some of the cutest hair pieces for little ladies! Please check our her Etsy shop you won't be disappointed!!


  1. 3 years....seems impossible! they are sooooooo cute and so fun. happy birthday sophia and maia!!!!! we hope you have the best day EVER!

    aunt gail and gigi

  2. The girls look so darling!!! Where in the world did you find those shirts???? Too cute!!

  3. Miss Kellie got them for the girls from Crew Cuts for thier birthday :)

  4. Oh my goodness...Sweet Tarte! How cute!! Love those pinwheels too! Congratulations on your Amy Atlas feature...truly deserved!

    Thank you for the feature!! :-)

  5. So sweet! Hope they had a wonderful birthday. Wow, I thought my boys at 13 minutes apart was a long time.(well it at least it seemed like that at the time) Love the stella & dot bracelets too!

  6. Aren't your girls so sweet! I love their party as well-adorable. I have 8 month old girls-can't wait for this age-looks like fun!

  7. I have 4 yr old twins too and my lil sweet pea's name is Maia. Your girls are too cute. I love their shirts!
