26 May 2010

Cupcake Couture Part 3

We wanted to share with you the final product of the first of our ladies in our new Cupcake Couture line! After we have our perfected final illustration we start formatting our illustration into invitations, cards, cupcake flags and gift tags. We print all of our products right in our mini office at Kellie's. (Ahhhh to have a shop of our own...one day...one day soon!) After everything is printed, the magic happens. This is when we start hand-glittering. We are always amazed at how much the glittering really adds to the illustrations. When we have a new illustration that we are really happy with the first thing we always say is, "we can't wait to see it glittered"! So here is the invitation, card, cupcake flag and gift tag! Stay tuned...three more lovely ladies will be joining her shortly!


  1. Breathtaking!!! I can't wait to see the other girls!!! Now I just need to think of an event so I can use her....LOL ;)

  2. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing the process. What talent!
