07 October 2012

'Find A Cure'...Giveaway

With October being breast cancer awareness month, we wanted to honor women who have been effected by this disease, as it does effect so many women and so many families. Thankfully, this is one cancer that has received a lot of recognition and research. However, we can not stop fighting until a cure is found. 
Breast Cancer is something that has personally touched Kellie's life and my life. Kellie's beautiful mother-in-law passed away from it and my amazing cousin lost her battle to it last year. We were astounded by the strength, courage, perseverance and that both of  these extraordinary woman showed as they fought for their lives. The grace and ease at which they handled themselves with upon diagnosis was almost surreal.
They both were such beautiful lights in this world who's lives touched so many, and they were taken way to soon. Although, we know God has a perfect plan for each of us, sometimes it is so hard to accept when you loose a loved one. 
Last year we created these custom frames with our 'Find a Cure' illustration in it. This year we would love to give it to someone who can be inspired or encouraged by it. Maybe you  know someone who is fighting now, or someone who has survived breast cancer. If you know someone that you would like to give this framed illustration to, please just leave us a comment and we will choose a person at random to send it to on Friday. {Please be sure to leave your email address} It was really special to have my own grandmother photographed holding our frame, as she is too a breast cancer survivor. 



  1. This is beautiful. I would love to give this to my sister. She was diagnosed at age 41 with Inflammatory Breast Cancer on September 10, 2011. She had a tough year but has come out ahead. After all of her treatments and surgeries, she had her first PET scan and it did not detect any cancer. She is an inspiration to me and I love her dearly.


  2. What a beautiful art piece!
    My sister, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. She had a radical mastectomy with muscle and lymph nodes removed. She successfully completed her chemotherapy protocol. In spite of her many physical challenges (she is in a wheelchair) and this frightening diagnosis, I never once heard her complain. Her strength and faith are inspirational!
