29 May 2012

DIY Ruffled Ice Cream Cones

We are so excited to share this diy with you, if you are planning an ice cream party believe us these are just the sweetest things to let each child take home with them! Our amazing diy correspondent, Katie came up with this project for us and we just fell in love! We ended up hanging pink, peach and mint green ones from a white chandelier and the looked so cute and really added to the decor of the party! The little girls just adored them and were so excited when we let them have one! Most of them put them around their necks and pretended they were ice cream necklaces, it was so cute!

2 1/2" styrofoam balls 
1 1/2 yards of lightweight cotton fabric
Sewing machine or needle and thread
Hot glue gun/glue
Scrapbook paper
Cone template
Polyester stuffing

Cut fabric into strips about 44" long x 1.5 " wide using pinking shears. Sew down the middle of the strip, ruffling fabric as you go with sewing machine. You can also ruffle the fabric by hand if you do not have a sewing machine. Your finished ruffle should be 8" long. You could also use pre-ruffled fabric or ruffle trim if you do not want to make your own!

Trace cone template onto your paper and cut out. Glue edges to make cone shape. I recommend not using hot glue for this step since you need a bit of extra time to get the edges together just right. Fill your cone with stuffing to help hold the shape.

Cut a circle roughly 8" in diameter out of your fabric. Wrap the fabric around the ball and hot glue to bottom, gathering as you go. Do not worry about how the bottom looks, it will be hidden inside your cone.

Place hot glue around inside edge of your cone and stick the covered styrofoam inside. Hot glue your ruffle around the top of the cone, twisting as you go around. Be sure to glue it to both the paper and the styrofoam ball. If you would like to hang the cones, cut ribbon to desired length and use a pin or hot glue to secure it to your ice cream!


  1. These look SO EASY! I'm going to pass this on to my niece who is having an ice cream sundae party Thursday.

  2. LOVE these!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!

  3. Adorable!! SO Adorable! I am going to feature these on my site tomorrow!!

  4. Love these! Thank you so much sharing them! Am definitely going to give these a try!

  5. I love these!! I know we need them somewhere

  6. These are super cute! How my daughter would love this : )

  7. Stephane in AlaskaMay 30, 2012 at 8:33 AM

    Oh, WOW. These are darling! (JP Creatibles directed me here and I am so glad. : )

  8. Just wanted to stop by and say how much I love these, saw them on Pinterest and had to share the love.

  9. These are just adorable! Thank you for your cuteness!

  10. Beautiful idea and so adorable!

  11. What a fun and crafty idea! Saw them on Pinterest! Who doesn't love ice cream??! Thanks for sharing! ☺

  12. I love these! :) I think the only thing I might try differently is using polyester stuffing or scrap material to stuff the ice cream ball since the styrofoam balls might end up being a little expensive after a while. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. What an cute accessory for an ice cream party. I love how you made the ruffle. I might have to try making double scooped cones.

  14. these are amazing! my girls are going to love this crafting project.

  15. My sister owns an ice cream store and would love these!

  16. What a cute idea! I found you on pinterest, and I'm featuring you as my pinterest pick this week at my Friday Favorites Party!

  17. What a cute idea! I have to make these for my daughter's upcoming birthday party!

  18. Looks so cute, can't wait to try this. Thanks for the ideal.

  19. Saw these shared on Facebook, and immediately fell in love! Kudos to Katie!

  20. I just adore this icecream cones. So creative! Going to share on fb

  21. I just adore these icecream cones. So creative! Going to share on fb

  22. Really cute! Double sided tape might be a good idea for the cones.

  23. ADORABLE!! Great idea - thanks!!

  24. This is so amazingly beautiful, would luv for you to share it with our readers at our linking party here


  25. This DIY is absolutely amazing!

  26. These are too stinkin' adorable!


  27. I'm so pinning this, thanks for sharing!

  28. Similar to ones for sale on Etsy at Sugarbaker and Toad's shop.

  29. These are adorable! Can't wait until I have a grand daughter to make these!
    On second thought maybe I won't wait.... Peggy

  30. So adorable, I just added an ice cream cone banner to my store. I am going to add a link to your diy, for my customers. Thanks for posting such a great diy.

  31. Thank You for shering:)


    Have a Nice day!!

    Linda from Norway

  32. awesome i will enjoy doing this. thanks for not keeping it to yourself :-)

  33. It's so pretty and easy to do, but I really don't know where to get styrofoam balls.

  34. Just a simple girl, sophomore in college to be exact, and because I've always been artsy, I can never get enough new crafts to try out. Lately, the new crafts have been decorations for my dorm room and this summer has been dedicated to three things: Working at Gymboree, Babysitting, and last but not least, making new decorations to make my dorm room MAGICAL next year..these are going to be perfect and random. Just what I need, thank you! <3

  35. Thank you for sharing this project it is really appreciated. Kindest regards

  36. These are adorable! I've never seen anything like them before. Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial! :)

  37. These are the most darling thing I've seen in a good long while!

  38. These are adorable! I bet they would look cute in a baby's room too, depending on the theme.

  39. Oh my gosh....these are the cutest things ever. I am love with them

  40. oh my goodness, love these!! I have to make them! thank you for sharing xo

  41. Holy smokes. These are precious beyond words. I just love them. Will be sharing them on my blog or facebook soon if that is okay???

  42. I love this idea so much I added it to my friday favourites! http://southerninlaw.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/friday-favourites-13-july-2012.html

  43. superbe - merci du partage - bon mercredi fleuri

  44. Hi,
    You've been featured on DECOdeniquo, since this amazing content was one of the inspirations of the latest post.
    You can find the blogpost on http://decodeniquo.blogspot.com/2012/07/totally-hooked-on-ice-cream.html
    Thanks for the inspiration and making the world a smaller place...

    Feel free to grab my featured on DECOdeniquo button :)

  45. Love this! I am pinning this. Thanks for sharing.
    Tonya from www.chirpingwithexcitement.blogspot.com

  46. My friend meagan told me to check out your blog and here I am really glad that I visited it. Thanks for this great DIY.

  47. These are so cute! I saw this via Craftstorming, and I pinned it:o) Thanks for sharing!

  48. I'm really not great at making even the simplest things :( Do you have an etsy or somewhere that I can buy these instead? <3

  49. Hi there {Princess Tea}
    We are so sorry this is just a diy we don't sell them. Thank you so much though!! xxoo

  50. This is so adorable! What a cute and brilliant idea. (And I love that it's easy too!)

  51. This is cute for bedroom decor, classroom decor, anything.... Not just parties... I love it!

  52. Oh em gee! These are so so cute!

  53. This looks super cute and I can't wait to try it out!

  54. I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your gorgeous ruffled ice cream cone tutorial! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a great project idea!

  55. I love this idea, thank you for sharing. I will be trying these out.

  56. Oh my gosh.. cutest thing ever!!!

  57. Bonjour!

    Thank thee sooooo much for sharing this ADORABLE craft! <3
    These are simply darling, I want to make them!

    I hath featured these on my blog, with a source link back to thee. I thought thee might like to see thine image, and if so, here is the blog page: http://werandra.blogspot.com/2014/06/crafting-lust.html

    Thanks again, and please, keep up the adorable crafts!
    God bless!

    Love, Queen Werandra

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I made these for my son's ice cream party in the colors mint and yellow...they turned out beautifully. And I had a blast making them! Check them out on my blog: http://swellcupcake.com/

  60. I love these! This is how I'm spending my day today, thanks! My son will love this idea because he loves ice cream so much!

  61. This is a great idea, I love the colors of the fabric you used in this tutorial. organza fabric

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  65. I am going to be making these for a baby shower. I was wondering, for the amount of fabric that you have listed, how many cones did it make?

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  67. Thank you for sharing. This would be great for a birthday.

  68. These are so adorable and fun!

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