Oh my...have we been busy!! We took a little break over Christmas and closed our shop, but when we reopened we got a bit overwhelmed with orders!! {Which is fabulous, but it makes it hard to keep up with facebook and our blog} We have also been busy working on something special for the February/March issue of Baby Lifestyles, where we will have an 8-page feature! We can not wait to share the photos with you, but in the mean-time we thought we would give you a little sneak peek! We also wanted to share with you that our original "La Patisserie" and "Sweet Shoppe" are back in our shop!
Just like in the Chocolate Factory where everyone loves chocolate, it is pretty much the same in the real world, too. This goes on to say that almost each person in the world is in love with eating chocolates. In fact, this is somewhat inarguable because indeed every people, young and old, have a penchant for the different kinds of this cocoa and sugar confection.