16 March 2011

Annabella's "Party Owl Night Long" Golden Birthday

Last Friday we had so much fun celebrating Annabella’s (Kellie’s oldest daughter) golden birthday! She turned 10...double digits, so hard to believe...where does the time go!?! Annabella loves owls and cupcakes and she is has such a sweet old soul. So we created our “owl love you forever” invitation with her in mind. It is a sassy, glamorous owl sitting ontop of a 3 tiered cake...perfect for any tween! A blush pink, chocolate brown and champagne color palette set the tone for the invites and the party.
We created a fanciful dessert table that featured our DIY owl in a cupcake tree . We hung pink rock candy in the tree to add some extra sparkle! Terri from Terri’s Party Treasures created the most amazing owl cake pops that perfectly resembled our illustration! They were also delicious! We also made cookie dough pops, smores pops (recipe adapted from Pizzazzerie's smore bites) and mini owl cookies that we put in mini clear boxes for the girls to take home. Instead of a traditional birthday cake, we made a tiered chocolate chip cookie cake filled with pink buttercream and topped it with an oversized cupcake flag. We draped pink lace behind and over the table to create a soft, pretty feel with a touch of whimsy, and hung a “whoo-ray” letter garland across the front of the table. We made gift tags that we tied around the goodie bags for all the girls to take home, which were also used as part of the games they played throughout the night. We placed them under Annabella’s golden birthday letter garland. Kellie hung poms and twirled crepe paper out from the ceiling fan and it looked amazing!

Now this wasn’t just any party, this was a “slumber party" and the girls did nothing short of “party owl night long”! After the girls arrived and got settled they were treated to their favorite kind of pizza and delicious sherbet punch! They crafted mini cork boards covered in owl fabric and a few embellishments and glittered cloths pins! Onto the desserts...the girls were giddy with excitement when they got to take one of each treat from the table, including the rock candy hanging from the tree! After Annabella opened her birthday gifts, the girls got to take the flashlights out of their goodie bags for a candy scavenger hunt! We turned out all the lights and hid the candy so the girls had hunt for their candy in the dark and collect it in their goodie bags. The girls wanted us to re-hide the candy, but it was time for the next game! The girls had a blast playing “sleepy owl”...one of the girls would lay in the middle of the room and pretend they were sleeping while the other girls had to “wake” her up by making her laugh! They could only make her laugh by telling a funny story, joke, or making a funny noise...no tickling! Once all the girls got a turn being the "sleepy owl" it was on to spin the nail polish. We placed a nail polish in the middle of the circle, spun it and whoever the nail polish pointed to they had to paint one nail. We alternated the nail polish color so the girls got different colored nails. All the girls loved getting their nails done with this fun
In the morning Kellie made the girls three different kinds of pancakes, chocolate chip, blueberry, and vanilla with sprinkles. While she was cooking the girls got to write on mugs that Kellie painted with pink chalkboard paint! The girls had such a great time and Annabella’s birthday was surely a HOOT!


  1. Where to begin?! I'm drooling over those cookie dough pops. The owl pops look amazing too...they look just like the invites =) I like the font on all of the stationary...and the new oversized cupcake flag. The picture of Annabella in front of the dessert table is sweet too...plus I love how her shirt has an owl on it!!! Sounds like it was a great party and the girls had a tonne of fun. Thanks for sharing :D:D:D

  2. That looks amazing!!! I love all the little details.

  3. This is one of the neatest parties I have seen in a long time! I LOVE this!!! Oh, and I am a new follower!

  4. The party looks wonderful and the girls look like they had a blast! I will be sharing it on my page and I am so glad that you liked the owl cake pops!
