
Bloom Photography by Meredith Price

As many of you know, Kellie and I are stay at home moms that do "Icing Designs" on the side. We do have aspirations to grow our business into much more one day, (including a store front) when our girls are in school full time. We run into a lot of people that really admire how we can make our dreams of Icing work, while still putting motherhood first. Last summer I was blessed enough to meet an amazing stay at home mom, who has since become a very dear friend of mine, Meredith Price. Kellie and I just adore Meredith! After we got to know her a little bit better we found out that she had a passion for photography, but just never really found a way to grow her passion because she was staying home with her 2 gorgeous girls. Obviously, we could perfectly relate to her! We really encouraged her to take her photography a step further and assured her that she could make both things work! We think that sometimes moms have a hard time following their hearts and doing things that they are passionate about because being a mom is hard work! Finding time to fit in something that is just for "you" can be a real challenge, but Kellie and I are proof that you can make it work! So, we started inviting Meredith to take photos of some of our sweet tables and she even took my girls Christmas photos this year! As she started working it started to snowball and now Meredith is a working photographer! She even started a blog and facebook page! I had the honor of creating her logo, which was so much fun for me! We are so proud of her! It has been such a joy to watch her follow her heart and do something for herself, while still being a fabulous momma! Of course the best part of having your own business is that you can take the jobs that fit into your schedule and if you have to say no, you can. So today we are thrilled to introduce "Bloom Photography by Meredith Price" to you! You will love her work, she is such a natural talent! We are consistently blown away by the way she captures such perfect moments! Meredith, we are just over the moon for you! We are so glad that we know such a wonderful, generous, selfless person full of passion and life! Thank you for all that you have done for us, we just can not wait to see what the future has in store for you!

These are Meredith's adorable girls, Maisey and Molly!

One of Meredith's first sessions! Amazing right, love the colors and those sisters are so sweet!

New baby girl!

A sweet nursery shoot!

These are a few of the photos she did of my twin girls!

Photos from our "Little Man" baby shower!

Pretty inspiring story huh!?! We are so excited to work with Meredith much more this year and can't wait to see all of the exciting things that this year has in store for her!
Visit Bloom Photography's blog and facebook page!


Pâtisserie Paris said...

Her photos really are great! And I love the logo you created for her. It is so pretty and cheery =)

I do think that it is great when people get a chance to explore their talents and delve into something that they really enjoy. I think whether you are a parent, a student or just someone with a really hectic schedule you should find time for yourself to enjoy things that YOU love.

Exciting news that you plan to open a store some day. Don't tempt me! I live so far away...I will have to move so I can enjoy all of the pleasures you girls bring! (gorgeous stationary, beautiful desserts, a charming blog!!!)

Bloom said...

Melissa and Kellie-
I want to personally thank you both for being such wonderful cheerleaders! You are my true source of inspiration and I can only hope to inspire others one day like you have inspired me. We were fated to meet last summer! To my newest "feel like I've known your forever" friends...



Shayne said...

This post was meant for me! I am also exploring my photography and have been told by so many that I should do something more - but I don't know what. thank you for inspiring me this morning. And yes, her photographs are simply gorgeous. Well done Bloom!

Unknown said...

Hi there!! I'm your newest follower! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!! Have been having so much fun reading it this morning! Would love for you stop by and say hi!

Baby's Breath Handmade


Icing Designs said...

Hi Joyce!!! Thank you so much! We are heading over to check out your blog right now ;) xoxo

Fashion Mom said...

OMG these pictures are so amazing cute! The children are so pretty and stylish x


Yewy said...

Aww! Yay to fabmoms doing what they love. Lovely photos Meredith and beautiful logo! All beautiful kiddies too. :)


Bloom said...

Thank you, everyone, for your positive feedback and wishes!!

Anonymous said...

Meredith! I googled you after you told me about your start up with your photography and found this...you are awesome :) Sooo happy for you and can't wait to see it all unfold!

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