05 December 2010

December 7

Today is a really special day for Kellie and I. Today is Kellie's daughter's birthday and my wedding anniversary. So we thought we would take a mini break from our holiday inspiration to celebrate today!

(From Kellie)
Today my baby girl is 4. I am at a loss of words to write because I have so many thoughts in my head as I sit and reflect over the past 4 years. She is such a big girl now … going to pre-school, writing her name, reciting our phone number, and so much more. I enjoy nothing more than taking time out of my day to sit and watch her put on a grand dance performance. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of how much she loves and adores her big Sissy. To her there is truly no one greater. We still look at Leela and literally cannot believe she is ours. She has beautiful curly blonde hair and big blue eyes. Which is amazing because the nationalities between my husband and me are Irish, Italian, and Japanese … YES, Japanese. She hardly looks like my husband, her sister or me … and, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy 4th Birthday to my baby girl! May God continue to watch over you, protect you and guide you all the days of your life. You are such a blessing.
I love you … Hug, Hug, Kiss, Kiss!

(I just wanted to add a little something too)
Leela, we can not believe that four years have past! Where has the time gone! All I can say is it is such a blessing to know you. Your sweet little heart is a perfect light in this world. Watching you grow from a little snuggly baby to the little lady you are today has been such a joy! We love you and wish you the happiest birthday yet...you little peanut!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 4TH BIRTHDAY LEELA! We can't wait for your pink Christmas birthday party this weeekend!

Today is also my wedding anniversary...Seven years ago I got married to my best friend, Adam...in a perfectly winter, candlelight ceremony. It was sunset on a cold December day, in an old rustic church filled with our closest friends and family. I wore my tartan on my wedding dress to celebrate my Scotish heritage and we were led by my great unlce who played the bagpipes. It was such a special day and I married such a special man! I'm a lucky girl!


  1. This has literally brought tears to my eyes. I have the most perfect daughter, Kellie and the most precious granddaughters, Annabella and Leela. I must be the proudest Mother and Grandmother in the world. My life has been truly blessed with my children, Kellie, Kristen and Austen. I have been even more blessed by having my precious grandchildren, Annabella, Jacob, Leela and Brayden who have brought my love to an indescribable new level. I am so very happy that Kellie and Melissa have their fabulous inspiring Icing Designs. I love you all more than words can express.

  2. Awww...Happy Birthday Leela and Happy Anniversay Melissa! (I love your wedding photos by the way!!!)

  3. Aww! Happy Birthday Leela and Happy Anniversary Melissa!

  4. So well written- having a four year old myself it even brought tears to my eyes. Happy birthday Leela! It sounds like you are quite an amazing young lady with quite amazing parents!

    Melissa and Adam- happy happy Anniversary! You are both such beautiful people! Congratulations!
