30 November 2010

Tis the Season for chocolate covered marshmallow snowmen!

We are quickly approaching the holidays! As we all know this month can be so overwhelming. It is almost a hassle to walk through the mall to buy all those gifts on your list. We have learned over the years that some of the best gifts are handmade and from your heart. I have been making homemade sweet trays for years to give to some of my favorite people on my list, including Kellie! I love finding a gorgeous platter and filling it with beautiful sweets and wrapping it up festively! I always include my chocolate covered marshmallow snowmen on the trays and they are always the first thing people comment on. They are so easy to make and are so cute! Today we are really excited to share them with you, along with the easy DIY instructions so that you can make them too! Even if you just make a few and wrap them up sweetly, they make a great little gift to give to someone you love!

These are so easy that even your kids can help! One of my twins, Maia helped me and she did such a great job...and had so much fun! Just use lollipop sticks and put three marshmallows on each stick.
After you are done setting them up you just dip them in white chocolate, shake off the excess and lay them to dry on a parchment lined cookie sheet. As they are drying, add an orange sprinkle for a carrot nose and sprinkle some edible glitter on them to give them some snowy sparkle!
After they are dry put some melted chocolate in a pipping bag and make little half moons for eyes. I like to take a tooth pick and drag some chocolate down to make eye lashes.

Then use some melted pink chocolate to create a ruffled scarf!
If you want to make a snow "man" You can cut a marshmallow in half and instead of letting the chocolate drip off, put it on the parchment paper and move it in a circular motion to create a hat brim.

You can use some melted chocolate to "glue" it on to the top of the snowman!

We hope you try these...your friends and family will love them!


  1. So adorable and yummy! I can't wait to try it! Thanks!!

  2. That is it! We are so going to make these! Love them!

  3. love!!! i'm gonna make some :-) thanks for the DIY! xoxoxo

  4. Okay, that are just toooooo stinkin' cute!! Love em and I bet they're soooo tasty! :) Following your fabulous blog now!!

  5. crazy darling! I posted a link on ediblecrafts.craftgossip.com :)

  6. I saw this on Love the Day and I just thought it was the cutest idea!

  7. I am just loving how cute & simple these are. Thank you for sharing!
    I also shared them on my blog, I hope you don't mind.

  8. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments!

  9. Great idea-you guys are so creative!

  10. They are just amazing !!!!! I would love to make them but I can't figure out out to make the scarf look like that with the chocolate.

  11. Cant wait to try making these with my kids! I was at a craft show today and they were selling them for $3.00! Thanks so much!

  12. Hi I wish i could do NOTHING but make every idea you give us! Wondering how the pink chocolate scarf is applied, How long ahead can they be made and do we store them in the fridge? Thanks.

  13. look so cute might make them for my Christmas fare

  14. Thank you for the kind words, I want to wish you a good holidays! You have a real talent for creating tasty crafts! I think you should share these photos of the process on Instagram, where tens of thousands of admirers can appreciate them! I sometimes see similar photos there and noticed that they mostly had posted by accounts that have about 26 thousand of followers! I am sure this is because the owners of such accounts regularly buy instagram followers in order to wind up their number.
