28 October 2010

Have A Happy Halloween!

We can not believe that this weekend is already Halloween...where does the time go! All of our little girls are getting so excited to get dressed up in their costumes and go trick or treating! Are you doing anything exciting?Whatever you are doing have a safe and fun weekend!
If all goes well, we should be introducing our Christmas line next week, along with an exciting addition to our Etsy shop! We are going to leave you with some of our favorite Halloween goodies!

After the kids go to bed...do you tip toe to the closet and sneak some of your favorite treats!?!

images via: Etsy (DeLaCruz), delish.com, countryliving.com, martha stewart.com


  1. Mmm...those sweets look so good!

    What are your girls dressing up as for Halloween?

    I have a big cardiovascular disorder mid-term coming up on Tuesday, so I'm going to be studying all weekend =(

    I can't wait to see the Christmas line! *excited*

  2. Found your delicious blog from Joyfolie. I was cracking up whilst reading your post because I just put the kids to bed and ate a Reese's peanut butter cup from our hidden stash for the trick-r-treaters before sitting down at the computer. Yum!
    Briana J

  3. Hi Ceilidh!! First off LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos you sent us they are amazing! The little girls are going to all be different color fairies in costumes that Kellie and I made. And Annabella is going to be Alice in Wonderland :) Our Christmas line should be introduced this coming week if all goes well!
    Brianne Hi and welcome, thanks so much for stopping by our blog!! LOL see we all tip toe to the candy when the kids are asleep!!

  4. Those treats almost look too good to eat!

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