06 September 2010

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers

We love Country Living Magazine! If you do not get it, you should! Its full of great decorating tips, recipes and fabulous projects! The current issue is full of Halloween inspiration! We have to say that we just adore this DIY crepe paper flower tutorial! Although, they used black crepe paper to decorate for Halloween, you could use any color to decorate for any occasion! These would be beautiful as a garland across a dessert table too!

To start bend an 18" long piece of floral wire in half and wrap double sided tape around the bend end about five times. Hold the tip of a streamer, still attached to its roll, against the top of the taped wire. Then loosely wrap it around the wire four times to create an inner bud, pinching the bottom edge of the streamer against the taped wire as you go.

Continue wrapping the streamer around the wire, gathering the paper at the flower's base so that the petals fan out at the top. Continue until you have a full flower. Finish by cutting and securing the flower to the wire with floral tape. Repeat until you have enough blooms to fill a bowl.

So easy...right! These are just so pretty and would be just perfect in any color! We can think of so many things to do with these!!


  1. Loving these!!! So gonna try them tomorrow! =)

  2. Some how I don't think they'd turn out the same way if I made them...lol!
