23 September 2010

Dear Lillie....We Adore You!

We can not believe how this week got away from us....we can't believe its Friday!! We missed Etsy Thursday yesterday, so this week it will be Etsy Friday! You are in for a real treat though! Have you heard of Dear Lillie? Dear Lillie is an online boutique created by Jennifer Holmes with help from her mother Heidi Crotty, and sisters Jamie Druke and Dana Crotty. She also has a beautiful Etsy shop and gorgeous blog! Jennifer's blog is filled with stunning pictures of her absolutely darling daughter Lillie, wonderful photos of their lovely home and a whole lot of inspiration! Although, we could go on and on about her blog and boutique, this is after all, Etsy Thursday (or in this case Etsy Friday)! Feast your eyes upon these adorable items from Dear Lillie and have a fabulous weekend!!


Children's Clothes

Women's Clothes

And SO much more!! Dear Lillie's shop and blog are so lovely, we can't wait for you to go check them out!