02 September 2010

Chocolate Decos

Of course we love cupcake flags, but sometimes the occasion might call for something a little different. We love to use these super easy chocolate decos on cupcakes and cakes! They are so easy to make! All you need to do is copy these designs into a word or publisher file and print them out, place a piece of wax or parchment paper over the print out and trace the designs with your melted chocolate!

If you would like to try these and can not copy the above template, just email us and we will send you one! icingdesigns@hotmail.com


  1. These toppers are so ridiculously cute! Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  2. read about you on Amy Atlas blog! your blog is amazing! wish you great success.Do you have a twitter account?

  3. Oh, I love them, gotta give it a try but I wonder I could pipe as good as you, :p

  4. I just discovered your blog and I am smitten! I'll be posting it on my facebook/twitter so others can share in the joy :).

  5. Thanks for the great printable! I'm already trying to find an excuse to make some treats so I can use these!

  6. Fun idea!
    I have been trying to send an email back to you but it won't let me...is there any other way to contact you?

  7. Hi Melissa...weird that our email isnt working...can you try again? Your flags are done and we are putting them in the mail first thing in the morning :)

  8. Thank you Rowaida...we dont twitter but we have a facebook page:

  9. i just found your blog and LOVE it!!! omg! these cuppies are absolutely darling. i totally want to try this! thanks for sharing! xo

  10. Oh wow, those are stunning! I love them! Thanks so much for the wonderful idea. I would love to link to this if you didn't mind.

  11. Wow, those would make quite the impression at a party! Beautiful!

  12. I love them, and i just tried to do them on my cupcakes - i've heard that when you melt the chocolate, you should put a bit shortening in? I did that, and they wouldn't really stay on, and they broke :( do you just melt the chocolate then? :)

  13. These are very nice! I made a similar chocolate decoration once. How did you color the chocolate to be pink, though?

  14. ^^^^ one would assume its white chocolate and pink clour has been added

  15. Can you do this with strawberry chocolate?

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