17 August 2010

Ice cream in a cupcake bowl!

Everyone has had soup in a bread bowl right, well how about ice cream in a cupcake bowl!! That sounds like a meal that is right up our alley!! I used to work in the sweetest cafe for the most amazing family that we love so much! The owner used to make something similar to these when she started serving ice cream in her shop and it is seriously the cutest idea, and so easy to make. All you need is some ice cream or gelato, cupcakes and good frosting!
Just take a cupcake...

cut off the top....
take a mini ice cream scooper and scoop our the center...
put a scoop of your favorite ice cream or gelato inside...
then pipe some frosting on the top of your cupcake and add some sprinkles, place it back on top and you have got yourself ice cream in a cupcake bowl!!
Hope you wil try this, it is really fun for kids to help with!