30 August 2010

Find A Cure

Breast Cancer is something that has personally touched Kellie's life and my life. Kellie's wonderful mother-in-law passed away from this disease 6 years ago. My grandmother had breast cancer and is thankfully cancer free and my sweet cousin is suffering from breast cancer that has since spread to her liver. This disease affects so many women and so many families. Thankfully this is one cancer that has received a lot of recognition and research. However, we can not stop fighting until a cure is found. Even before we officially started Icing Designs, Kellie and I always talked about how we would give back when we started our business. We created these special "Find a cure" invitations, cards, cupcake flags and gift tags. We donate proceeds from the sales of these items to a very special local organization called the Fairy Godmother Foundation. This foundation grants wishes to adults that are terminally ill. Although it is not just for terminally ill breast cancer patients it is a foundation very close to Kellie's heart. Her mother-in-law, Mary, was on the waiting list and sadly passed away before her wish was granted. These items are available in our Etsy shop. Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

  1. What a great cause. Love that you are doing this. Cancer has affected too many people I know!
