05 August 2010

Cacao Sweets and Treats Giveaway

Hope you were able to see our post yesterday on Cacao Sweets and Treats! Candice, the owner, has been sweet enough to offer a giveaway of 6 of her deliciously fabulous cake truffles. Believe us, you want these!! They are absolutely delicious! Just leave us a comment and we will choose a winner early next week! Please be sure to check our Cacao on Etsy too!

We also wanted to tell you a little bit about Candice and Cacao Sweets and Treats!

Icing Designs: How did you get your start?

Cacao: The idea of (cacao) had been swimming around in my head since I can remember. It was one of those pipe dreams of "one day when I retire...". I was laid off last year like soo many other people (in February), was just getting married (in May) and decided now's the time! By the time my husband and I were back from our honeymoon in Greece, I was bored, so I knew it was coming sooner than I thought. I had scheduled an outside fair and hadn't come up with a name yet (the only detail I didn't already have meticulously planned for my business). My husband woke me up in the wee hours of the morning and said, "I've got it!". Thus, (cacao) was born!

Icing Designs: What are your objectives with your business?

Cacao: My main objective with (cacao) is plain and simply quality, deliciously amazing treats. I wanted the comfort, like-my-grandma-made feel, but with a very fresh and simple approach. All of my recipes use REAL fresh ingredients - butter, not shortening, local farm fresh eggs, organic dairy, local chocolate (Blommer in Chicago), etc. Very few, if any, of my recipes have more than 6 or so ingredients. It's just not necessary! Even without the addition of natural or artificial preservatives, I still ship across the country (even Italy and Ireland in the past!).

Icing Designs: What inspires you?

Cacao: As far as inspiration goes, it's usually just something that strikes me in a moment out of nowhere. The beer cupcakes were all my husband. He claimed (cacao) was to frou-frou and that I needed something manly... so I bet him I could do it and there came the Beer Cupcakes. All of my other cocktail cupcakes spiraled from that and it's so much fun creating cocktail recipes!

Icing Designs: What are you plans/goals for the future of Cacao?

Cacao: My plans for the future are to expand my catering business (we do so many dessert tables, petite sweet tiered cakes, favors for weddings, large gatherings, etc.) and hopefully open a storefront when the time and location are just right.

Thank you so much Candice! It was so amazing to meet you and we are in love with all of your amazing treats!!!

Don't forget to leave a comment to have the chance to have 6 cake truffles sent to you!


  1. I love that she uses REAL ingredients like local farm fresh eggs.

  2. What a great little business :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

  3. beautiful stuff! and i'm sure very tasty as well. i love creative people....like my niece melissa...and all her friends. thanks for sharing this!

  4. The chocolate covered marshmallows with butterflies in the last post are adorable! I love their signs too...too cute! Truffles look delicious =)

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! Looks delish!

  6. candice - reading about you and your business is inspiring to everyone out there with dreams of doing what they really love in life. congrats to you and your (yummy) success! best of luck!

  7. Thanks so much for the feature, Melissa & Kellie!

  8. Awwwwww...truffles...I'll take 'em!

  9. Would love to win, Stanna

  10. I hope I'm not too late! I would love to try the truffles!

  11. Annie - Yummmm.... truffles!!! And they are BEAUTIFUL! (Hope I'm not too late for the contest... )

  12. I can almost taste them...and hopefully I will!
